Why I Teach

The Hidden Picture

Have you ever looked at one of those optical illusions with a hidden picture in it?  You need to totally relax your eyes and try not to focus too hard on one particular part of the picture.  If you can put your eyes out of focus just enough, a picture kind of jumps out at you.  Suddenly, you can focus very clearly on the picture hidden within.  It’s an amazing thing when you can see that picture and when it clicks you want everyone around you to see it too because it’s just so exciting.


This is why I teach.

Each one of my students is a complicated, seemingly unfocused picture with a very clear and much more interesting picture hidden inside.  Sometimes it takes a long time and I need to look from many different angles but once their picture comes clear I want the world to see it.  Each picture is completely different but there is something familiar, a common thread, that makes them that much more spectacular when they share the same wall space. Continue reading