For The Love Of Reading. A #TBookC Story


I discovered as an adult that I love reading.  I was not the kind of kid who always had a book in my hand, like my 5th grader who will one day fall down the stairs because he refuses to take his eyes off of the page.  Suddenly, after college, I was no longer being told what and how much to read.  I realized that reading is enjoyable, informative, and brings people together.  I’ve been active in the same book group for 9 years. We read, discuss, ask questions, challenge opinions in the best possible way, and being part of this group has led me to read books I never would have chosen on my own.    While the focus is on reading, we’ve been through a lot and this group provides unlimited support to one another.  They are like sisters to me.  Right now we are reading Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Adichie, which I am loving!

As a teacher, I often found educational materials to be dry and somewhat tedious.  However, this past December I became involved as a co-moderator of a Twitter chat called. #TBookC.  If you are an educator and are not on Twitter, stop reading this blog post and open a new tab on your browser to create an account right this minute.   After doing that you can follow me, @LisaBerghoff.  If you are an educator on Twitter and have not participated in a Twitter chat, consider this your official invitation to join #TBookC.  Also, you can follow me:)  You won’t regret it.

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